Thursday, July 5, 2012

5 Things I've learned so far

1. My hair has a mind of its own
2. I was right to call it Matte.
3. It hates the sun and looooooves water.
4. I sleep hard and my hair gets patted down.
5. Did I mention that my hair looooooves water

5 months since BC

Friday, March 9, 2012

"Can I Touch Your Hair"

The next day after getting my hair cut (or getting the B.C), i went to work. I work at a clothing store so the girls I work with are shall i put it--girly. When I came into work, they were amazed with the new do i sported. The African American "black" girls there were very surprised and I can see that they loved the bold new look I had. The other girls (white, Latina) looked as though they never seen hair like such. I felt uneasy when they gravitated towards me and started touching my hair as they were saying "can I touch your hair" like I was an animal at a zoo that they've never seen. This got me thinking about why some people see natural hair as exotic. I ran across LHDC website and saw an article and video titled coincidentally "Can I Touch Your Hair" (<----click on link to view the video)

I BC'd

So the snip snip as you go so you don't have to do the big chop did not work for me...i admit it, i was so anxious to see my curl pattern that i decided to cut my hair. i called up my EB (emergency beautician--as im my hair's beautician) and she said to come by.

the first thing to come out of her mouth was "oh i see you couldn't wait any longer huh" She was so right. I big chopped on February 27th, 2012 Anywho this is me.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Before I Choose to Cut it Off....

I wanted to see how I would look with my hair naturally done. So I went out on a search to find the same texture as my hair and came up with this style. I've gotten so many compliments about it which makes me think that I am doing the right thing.

Check it out!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Stop Doing a Length Check and.....Wear a Wig!!

I found this wonderful video of this fabulous wig that I so right now!! and yes I am still wearing my box braids but this wig style---ah I fell in love.

Hair Wig Harlem Drew Wig

Friday, January 27, 2012

3 Week Old Box Braids

So it has been 3 weeks since I did my box braids and I love the low maintenance of it. I choose not to do the poetic braids because I did not know how the curls would look with jumbo braids.  I co wash it every week and perform a deep conditioning every other week(which has only been once hehe).  I also moisturize my hair twice daily with jojoba oil and cantu shea butter which also adds shine.    I wear it in a high bun most of the time but sometimes I do switch up the styles...I planned on leaving this protective style for about 6-8 more weeks before removing them for another style.  But I want to see how long I can keep it in and it still look decent....check out the pics

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tips I Found Helpful For Transitioners

So going through this transition for about 5 months now and everyday I am combing the internet for tips on maintaining the two textures when transitioning. 

Tip #1 Moisturize Hair: How To, When, and Why?

Relaxed, Transitioning, Natural, and Afro-Textured

The most vital part of growing any texture of hair long, is to keep it moisturized. Never let hair strands become dry. This causes damage in the form of split ends, breakage, and hair loss.

Choose hair moisturizers that do not contain mineral oil, petroleum, and sulfate. These ingredients dry the hair shaft, making it weak and brittle. Choose natural hair care products when possible.

A rule of thumb when deciding on when to moisturize hair, is to moisturize when ever it's dry. Some people find that once in the morning and once at night is suffice, while others may only need to do this once a day.

Read more here